Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Can't Find Chrome 64-bit Version Download?

It's not that you're not looking good enough. Just move to the United States and all will be solved...

~30 minutes earlier
So I wanted to get the 64-bit stable version of Chrome and as several websites point out, you'll have to get it yourself explicitly because it won't update to the 64-bit version. Well that's fine, I just go the the website I was pointed to:
Unable to see the specific link to the 64-bit version I just hit the Download button and hope I get the chance to choose between 32- and 64-bit later. Well, that's not going to happen.
 After searching for a few minutes (yes, in Chrome...) I keep coming back to the same page and not seeing anything about a 64-bit version of chrome.
Then I scroll down the site and see a little language-selection drop-down (or actually a drop-up).
When I set this to English - United States a download link magically appears beneath the Download button... After checking, all the English languages seem to work, the other are not working.

Thanks for that Google.

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