Tuesday, December 16, 2014

DSM 5.1-5021 Update Release Notes

This morning I found an update for my Synology DS214se. I got the release notes from synology.com. You can get yours here. Select your model and click on Release Notes.

Updates to the different app "Stations" (Video, Audio, Download, etc) are also available in the package center.

DSM Version 5.1-5021

What's New

  1. This update includes all bug fixes as well as security fixes in the previously released critical updates since DSM 5.1-5004.

Fixed Issues

  1. Enhanced data security by disabling "Mount automatically on start-up" after restoring an encrypted shared folder.
  2. Fixed a vulnerability that allows senders to access unintended destinations during a backup job.
  3. Enhanced stability on Amazon S3 on large file backup.
  4. Upgraded OpenVPN to 2.3.6 to address a security vulnerability.
  5. Fixed a vulnerability that allows local users to initiate a denial of service by queuing the maximum number of file descriptors (CVE-2014-7824).
  6. Upgraded PHP to 5.5.19 to address multiple vulnerabilities (CVE-2014-3669, CVE-2014-3670, CVE-2014-3668, and CVE-2014-3710).
  7. Improved DTV dongle compatibility.
  8. Improved file-copying stability on DS2015xs.
  9. Fixed an issue where DS213+ and DS413 could power up unexpectedly when backup tasks are scheduled.
  10. Minor bug fixes.

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