Thursday, December 4, 2014

(Not) Using CTRL+ENTER to send e-mail with Outlook

I'm always in favour of keyboard shortcuts and hotkeys to make life easier.
However, sometimes they're not the nicest thing to have, especially when you're in the middle of typing an email and you accidentally press CTRL+ENTER instead of SHIFT+ENTER...

Aaaaand it's gone

When you enable the CTRL+ENTER option in Outlook, you get the following popup when using it for the first time.

From here, you have 3 options:

  1. Outlook always sends the message (select the box and press Yes)
  2. Outlook never sends the message (select the box and press No)
  3. Outlook should always ask you what to do (do not select the box and choose Yes or No)

However, when you (accidentally) took option 1 or 2 and want to revert that so you can choose 3 again, you're kinda stuck. Disabling and re-enabling the option under "File > Options > section Mail > option group: Send Messages > option: CTRL + ENTER sends a message" doesn't show you the pop-up anymore.
Ofcourse, there are other options: you can edit the registry to delete or modify the value chosen for CtrlEnterSends in the Outlook preferences:
Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\<version>\Outlook\Preferences
Value name: CtrlEnterSends
Value type: REG_DWORD
Value data: 0 = Outlook will not send when pressing CTRL+ENTER
                   1 = Outlook will send when pressing CTRL+ENTER
                   2 = Outlook will prompt you when pressing CTRL+ENTER
When this key is missing, Outlook will behave as if its value was set to 2.
Hope this helps!
I found this solution on:

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