Friday, April 29, 2016

How To Insert a TAB Character in OneNote

As you might know, clicking the TAB button on your keyboard results in a table in OneNote. What if you really want to insert a TAB character? Well, you need a trick for this.

  • Create an Auto-correct rule that turns your chosen character sequence (e.g. "\t") into a regular TAB.
  • Open Notepad++ (or the text editor of your choice) and type one TAB. Select it and copy it.
  • Go to OneNote and click File | Options | Proofing | AutoCorrect Options.
  • In the dialog, put your desired sequence of characters (e.g. \t into the "Replace:" field.
  • Paste the TAB that you copied from Notepad++ into the "With:" field and click Add.
  • Click OK 2 times to close the dialogs and you're done!

Now, any \t followed by a SPACE will be replaced by a regular TAB.


I found this answer on the MSFT community site.


  1. Thank you; it works fine

  2. Super helpful!! Thank you

  3. hi the solution working fine when it is a blank field however when goes with words it will turn into table as well when tab is press, may I have your troubleshooting?


Thanks for taking the time to provide feedback!


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