Thursday, July 20, 2017

TFS: Undo Check-out From Other User

Out-of-the-box, there is no functionality to undo check-outs from other users in Team Foundation Services. But there is an option with TFS Power Tools for VS, available from VS 2012.

  1. Go to Tools and Extensions and Updates.
  2. In the Online Visual Studio Gallery search for Power Tools
  3. Download the extension, close VS and install the extension. - TFS Undo Check-out From Other User - Power Tools

Once the extension is installed:

  1. Re-open Visual Studio and Open Source Control Explorer
  2. Right-click the item on which checkout is to be undone (or a parent folder of multiple files to be undone)
  3. Select Find and then Find by Status
  4. In the Find in Source Control dialog, leave the Status checkbox marked
  5. Optionally, enter a value for the Wildcard textbox
  6. Optionally, enter a username in the Display files checked out to: textbox and select that radio button
  7. Click Find
  8. This will result in a list of files
  9. Select the items to undo
  10. Right-click and select Undo
  11. Click Yes when prompted with Undo all selected changes?

That’s it!

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