Friday, June 29, 2018

Bits of BI – June 29 accordance with Thomas LaRock I decided to also start my round-up of news from around the block of SQL Server, Technology or anything vaguely related to BI. And I might include some other things as well if I feel like it.
My plan is to do a weekly round-up, let’s see how that works out.
My latest post was 2 weeks ago, but here’s a new one! As we’re starting to go into summer and holidays, I might skip one edition in August also.

But for now, here’s the next edition of Bits of BI!

That concludes this edition of Bits of BI, feel free to share it with others!

Bits of BI – June 15 accordance with Thomas LaRock I decided to also start my round-up of news from around the block of SQL Server, Technology or anything vaguely related to BI. And I might include some other things as well if I feel like it.
My plan is to do a weekly round-up, let’s see how that works out.
My latest post was 2 weeks ago, but here’s a new one! As we’re starting to go into summer and holidays, I might skip one edition in August also.

So here’s the second edition of Bits of BI!

That concludes this edition of Bits of BI, feel free to share it with others!

Friday, June 15, 2018

Bits of BI – June 6 - bits-of-biIn accordance with Thomas LaRock I decided to also start my round-up of news from around the block of SQL Server, Technology or anything vaguely related to BI. And I might include some other things as well if I feel like it.

My plan is to do a weekly round-up, let’s see how that works out.

So here’s the first edition of Bits of BI!

  • Query Folding in Power BI
  • Power BI Desktop June Feature Summary
  • Subscribe others to email subscriptions in Power BI
  • Microsoft + Github = Empowering Developers
  • Announcing: The SQL Server Execution Plan Reference

I hope you found this edition of Bits of BI useful, feel free to share it with others!


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