Monday, January 31, 2022

Starting A New Adventure

Van Lanschot Kempen

Last Thursday I had my last day working at Van Lanschot Kempen (VLK), where I worked roughly 4 years. I did great things and also had a great time.
Amongst others, I...
  • ...had a great time working with my colleagues, especially our coffee moments walking to the 12th floor!
  • ...started getting more and more involved with Power BI inside VLK
  • ...organized a Power BI meeting at our office together with PBIG, and did an intro into what VLK is doing at the data and Power BI level together with @JeroenSchalken
  • ...started a running club with my department, which lasted roughly for a year 😀
  • ...started speaking (with Jeroen) at PBIG 2019 with an extended version of our intro talk
  • ...went to Prague (with Jeroen), Mechelen, Dublin, Mechelen again 😁, and then everything went virtual...
  • a promotion to Lead Expert within VLK
  • ...started going physical again to Copenhagen! Hopefully this will be the new norm again in 2022
  • And even received my MVP award!
How I enjoyed that trip! Thank you everyone who contributed to this time! 💛


Tomorrow will be the start of a new trip, together with my colleagues at Powerdobs. It's a small consultancy firm located in Den Bosch (Netherlands), focused on delivering solutions through quality, craftsmanship, long-term relationships and being sober and caring.
As the Unit Lead Power BI I'll be responsible for taking Power BI to the next level, both internally and externally. So expect to find me writing more blogs and doing more presentations!

Will the road ahead be straight and paved? I doubt that. There'll be enough bends, sidetracks and obstacles and bumps. That's where others pick me up. That's where I learn and come back stronger. 
And it will for sure be a great adventure!

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