Friday, April 26, 2024

Deprecation of Legacy Power BI Apps!

In case you missed the official blog post 2 months ago, I suggest you read my blog post :)
Or if you want you can refer to the official blog here: Announcing the retirement of legacy Power BI Apps (pre-audiences).

Already on March 6, 2023(!), Power BI apps with multiple audiences went Generally Available.


If you still have a pre-audience app, that is: an app that was created before app audiences where a thing, you can should upgrade your app now. Support from Microsoft will stop after April 30.

One other way you could also do the upgrade, is to unpublish your app and create the app again.
N.B. Be aware that:
  • You will get a different URL (AppID) 
  • Any custom changes that users did are gone, so e.g. personal bookmarks and comments
💡 Pro Tip: Only unpublish an app if you need to remove it! 

What does this actually mean?

Legacy apps will continue to work, also after May 1st. But technical support from Microsoft will stop after this date. So I do think it is a wise step to upgrade old apps.

Why do I want to upgrade?

  • Content Management: In the new Power BI apps with audiences, you can have to add content via the Update app feature by navigating to the Content tab and clicking Add content. In the legacy app you used to include content by using the app toggle in the workspace. This toggle will not be supported anymore, although it is still shown in the workspace.

  • Audiences: You can use different audiences for separate authorizations to a subsection of reports from the workspace. If you are using the default access request method, you also need to provide an audience group in the drop-down button with a pending access request before you can approve it.
  • Content visibility: By default, all newly added content to an already published app is marked as invisible. App authors must manually unhide content for each audience group. 

More information on publishing apps, using audiences or current limitations can be found here: Publish an app in Power BI.

Upgrade process

In case you still have the legacy app, or if you haven't created an app in a workspace, the workspace might still show the old toggle button:

After you upgarde or create an (new) app, it will show either Yes, No or blank depending on the eligibility of the item to be in an app. That's because only Power BI items can be included in an app.

After you click upgrade, you'll get a notice the app was updated.

Be aware that after the upgrade your app is created withouth any audiences. So be sure to check the authorizations and shared content in the upgraded app.

Other updates to apps

Other recent updates to apps where announced here:

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